The music

Musica Universalis plays mostly music of medieval Europe, with occasional forays to other times and continents. At a performance you may hear a 14th-century French song by Guillaume de Machaut, a 13th-century Spanish canticle from the Cantigas de Santa Maria, an instrumental dance from Hungary, a folk song from England, or a tango by Kurt Weill.

Photo: Sarah Marguier

The band plays a wide variety of period instruments: woodwinds including recorders, crumhorns, shawms, and bagpipes of all sorts; bowed stringed instruments such as the vielle, rebec, and viola da gamba; and percussion instruments including the dulcimer and drums in many shapes and sizes.


Listen to the members of Musica Universalis play selections from various musical projects.




Alpine Suite

Ivo Bene




The members of Musica Universalis especially enjoy working on projects with artists from other disciplines. Below are a few video excerpts from a recent collaborative theatre project, Danse Macabre: The Testament of François Villon. Along with Musica Universalis, the clips feature actor Jean-Luc Boucherot and dancer-puppeteer Briana Ratterman.

Piercing the Veil: A Samhain Celebration (Trailer)

Quen a omagen de Virgen (Cantigas de Santa Maria, 13th c.)

Je vivroie liement (Guillaume de Machaut, 14th c.)

Virent prata hiemata (Carmina Burana, 13th c.)

Le lai de la fonteinne (Guillaume de Machaut, 14th c.)