

Upcoming performances

Musica Universalis is busy creating new projects for the coming year! Watch this space for schedule information.

December 6th, 7:30 p.m.
December 7th, 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Shaking the Tree Theatre

823 SE Grant St, Portland, OR 97214

Directed by Štěpán Šimek

Written by Briana Ratterman Trevithick

Featuring the work of Musica Universalis (Laura Kuhlman, Esther Saulle, Paul Martin Beck, and Jeffrey Reynolds), Joellen Sweeney, and Duffy Epstein

Join us for Veronica, In Bed, a dynamic work-in-progress showing that merges Briana Ratterman Trevithick’s fresh script with historical texts by Veronica Franco herself. This production digs into the tangled relationships between sexuality, power, and survival through the life of Veronica Franco, a 16th-century poet courtesan, and in some ways an early Renaissance “influencer.” At its core, it is an exploration of our timeless need for connection, examining how our methods and means of connecting evolve, yet the underlying human drive remains constant.

Featuring key staged selections guided by director Štěpán Šimek, the performance combines Renaissance music and opera, the captivating vocals of Joellen Sweeney, puppetry, and cutting-edge media elements by Trevor Sargent, including live video feeds, projections, social media, and AI manipulation. Audiences will be transported between eras as they explore the tools of power and survival, as well as the persistent desire for influence.

We invite the audience to stay after the show for a brief discussion to share their thoughts. 

Friday & Saturday, December 20 & 21, 2024 @ 7:30 pm (Doors open at 7:00 pm)

Sunday, December 22, 2024 @ 3:00 pm (Doors open at 2:30)

“The2509,” 2509 NE Clackamas St., Portland

December holds a special place in all our hearts no matter your beliefs. Come celebrate the season with Musica Universalis’ Esther Saulle, Paul Martin Beck, Elizabeth O’Connor, and Laura Kuhlman, as we journey through the season with special guest, vocalist, Joellen Sweeney. 
We will delight you with tales of the season, songs to warm your heart and energizing dance tunes performed on recorders, violins, vielle, cimbalom, viola da gamba, rebec, crumhorns, bagpipes, voice and percussion. We will even invite you, our audience, to sing and play along with us on a tune or two! 

Tickets are $30. The event has general seating.
Only 35 seats per show. 

Parking is limited so consider carpooling if coming with friends or park a block away.

Concessions available for purchase at the concert.

Come early and hang out with the band before the concert begins! 
Family friendly show!