Musica Universalis

Musica Universalis is an early-music ensemble based in Portland, Oregon. The band plays mostly music of medieval Europe, with occasional time-traveling excursions to the more recent past. With an eclectic variety of projects including concerts, plays, dances, and even puppet shows, the group is equally at home on stage, in front of the stage, at the party, and in the tavern.

“Those who are able to see this brilliance are beyond blessed.” – Joe Cantrell

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Photo credit: Sarah Marguier

“I left feeling charmed, connected, and hopeful about theatre and community.” – Chris Harder

Photo credit: Sarah Marguier

“That was powerful, intimate, homey, and ancient. Wonderful combo. Thank you so much for including us. And for offering your expression to the world so that we can share in upholding traditions and appreciation of the arts!” – Sky

Photo credit: Sarah Marguier

“What a joyful experience that show was!” – David Poulshock

Portrait drawn by audience member at Mississippi Pizza

“You tell your stories and we all connect as humans around them.” – Melinda

Photo credit: Sarah Marguier